Wednesday, August 29, 2018

WELCOME TO  A NEW YEAR IN THE GROUT LIBRARY !!! Ms. Diane and Ms. LeBlanc have many interesting NEW BOOKS that will be arriving at the Grout Library in the next few weeks!!!! We have ordered many new NON-FICTION books that will be arriving on our shelves soon!!!!!
Grout School definitely will be participating in OREGON BATTLE OF THE BOOKS for the second year !!!!! For those of you who would like information about OBOB, Ms. LeBlanc will be “talking it up” at the PTA meeting on September 27. We had four OBOB teams last year and hope for MORE this coming year.
For those who do not know about Oregon Battle of the Books, it is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Oregon Association of School Librarians and the Oregon Library Association. Students in grades 3-12, regardless of ability, are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints.
Lists of books are chosen, and questions are written for each grade level division. Students read the books, discuss them, quiz each other on the contents, and then compete in teams of four students to answer correctly questions based on the books in a “quiz show” format. We have copies of the OBOB titles in the library for the students to check out.+
If any of you have collections of items that you would like to share in our two locked display cases, please let Ms. LeBlanc know. It would just be fun to see what our students collect !!!!