Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December News!


It’s R.I.F. Week in the library, December 12th - 16th.  R.I.F. stands for Reading Is Fundamental. It’s a Federal program that puts brand new books into the hands of students in Title 1 schools. Every student who comes to library next week will get to choose a book to keep forever. Please note that during RIF Week, there is no library book check-out. All library books are due the day BEFORE their scheduled library day. 

Also happening this month is the Books for Bicycles is a reading contest! books for Bicycles is a reading incentive open to all second through fifth grade students here at Grout. Odd Fellows Grand Lodge has donated two brand new bicycles and two new bicycle helmets to our school. Students must read a book and then complete a book report form in order to enter and have a chance to win one of the bicycles. Book reports MUST be signed by a parent! Students may turn in no more than one book report per day through December 13th.The bicycles and helmets will be raffled off at our school assembly on December 14th, 2016. Book report forms are located just inside the library. Rules and information are stated on the back of the report form. Good luck to all participants!!

Ms. LeBlanc